World Class Photography

merit award world class

Its not often photographers hear the phrase that their submissions into an international competition have been described as “world class”. However when the awards were given out at the 37th Annual Master Photographers Awards 2020,  that’s exactly what submissions were described as!

If the truth was told, this blog post would never have been written! Joe didn’t want his followers, clients and people interested in his business to sound like he was boasting about his achievements all of the time, but as friends of Joe Laws Photography, we at Social+ felt like the achievement could not go unmarked! For that reason, we have taken over his blog today to share his achievements with you all! 

Joe submitted a panel of images to the Master Photographers Association in preparation of the awards ceremony including these two stunning images below. 

world class
world class

The Master Photographers Association sent the following Press Release along with Joe’s Award!

MPA Award Winners Announced
Joe Laws of Joe Laws Photography claims the highly coveted Merit Image in the 37th Annual MPA Master Photography Awards 2020
The MPA Awards Ceremony, Online via Zoom, 18th October 2020


Celebrating the Masters of Photography, the annual Master Photographers Association (MPA) Awards welcomed some of the greatest photography talent in a glittering awards ceremony last night, although it was an awards like no other and with a difference. Because of the restrictions of COVID – 19 we could not meet up as was originally for our prestigious event, but with technology a fantastic professional awards ceremony was hosted with hundreds of members attending online. The atmosphere was huge fun for all attending the celebrations.


Over 2000 entries from working professionals kicked off the first round of digital judging, with those shortlisted going  through to the second round with images being scrutinized in the printed submission round. A panel of leading industry judges carried out the mammoth task of judging at the Darlington headquarters.


Ray Lowe, Chairman of the MPA comments: “The standard of photography we have seen this year is without a doubt world class. It is always exciting to see new faces coming through and its rewarding to see such great talent entering our awards. With entrants both UK and worldwide, our winners really are at the pinnacle of creative excellence. The Association has sat as the premier photographic association since 1952 and this year marked the 37th Awards ceremony. It is an absolute honor to showcase imagery of such high standard and we are extremely
proud to represent some of the greatest professional image makers globally, it was a huge success for any member who gained a merit award and above from the thousands entered.”

As friends of Joe Laws Photography, we have always known that Joe’s passion, imagination and flair for creative photography is world class. We are incredibly proud of his achievements in the Master Photographers Association. I am sure that we speak for everyone who has worked with Joe or had the ultimate photographic experience with Joe in the past when we say Well Done!

We’re all incredibly proud of you!

Social+ xx