Making Lasting Memories

 Recently, I have had a very humbling experience at Joe Laws Photography! Contacted  by my very good friend Kathryn Russell, who makes all of my dresses and gowns at enchanted fairies and tasked with making lasting memories for a dear friend of hers! This lady, whom Kathryn designed and made a wedding dress for some years ago, has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.

Memories are remembered better with visual aids and so this client wanted to leave a beautiful portrait of herself for her two children. I really felt that I needed to be involved in this in some way and to help Kathryn to make lasting memories for Jayne’s children.

Empowering jayne

I contacted Jayne by telephone and had a conversation with her about the types of images she wanted to produce and the importance of leaving memories of her for her two daughters. I was committed there and then to do the very best I could for Jayne.  Initially, I wanted Jayne to have a makeover and photo shoot to make her feel empowered and special. everything that she needed to ensure that the memories made would be treasured forever.

COVID Restrictions

COVID Restrictions at the time of the photo shoot prevented us from having the perfect photo shoot as initially planned, but all was not lost as I invited Jayne in, with her daughters to take part in an Enchanted photo shoot together! 


making lasting memories
making lasting memories
making lasting memories

The images captured in this session were incredible. I felt that her girls would have something very special to keep forever. Even following the bad news she has had, I think we can all agree that Jayne looks astonishing. 

I hope that the memories we have made for Jayne’s daughters are special.

We all have great memories, but there is just something special about those memories captured in a photograph. Photographs are by far our greatest possession. This set of images will portray such a special day for this family and I was honoured to have captured it for Jayne and her girls. 

Joe xx